PayPal is currently the most popular payment method as it is available in more than 200 countries worldwide.
- Payment minimum: 1.00 USD
- Payment frequency: Daily payments for all publishers!
- ylliX Fees: $0.00
PayPal Fees: PayPal may take up to 0.30 USD + 5.20% of the payment you receive from us (it depends on your country, check
PayPal website for more info).
We always try to send all the
PayPal payments through the "mass payment" tool since you don't have to pay any fees for receiving payments sent this way. Unfortunately PayPal doesn't allow us to top-up our
PayPal account directly from our bank account and therefore we are not always able to use the "mass payment" tool and we have to send the payments directly from our credit card instead. We recommend you to choose bank wire payments in case of payments above $500 in order to avoid the high fees.
source: Website